Antia Lestido Cardama recibiu o Premio Extraordinario de Doutoramento do curso 2020/2021

A nosa compañeira Antía Lestido Cardama recibiu o Premio extraordinario de Doutoramento do curso 2020/2021 pola súa tese «Study of exposure to contaminants coming from materials in contact with foods».

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Best poster presentation Award at Polyphenols 2022

During the 15th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications which was held on September 28-30, 2022 at ADEIT ‘Fundación Universitat’, Valencia, Spain, Sandra Mariño-Cortegoso, a FoodChemPack PhD student received the best poster award for her contribution “Recovery of Bioactive Compounds From Lime and Lemon By-Products Through Sustainable Methodologies”.

This work is a part of the research project VALICET focuses on the valorization of fruit by-products using green extraction technologies for future approaches in the application of fruit by-products as food ingredients and additives through the recovery of added-value compounds. Future work will be done on the encapsulation of the bioactive compounds to develop ingredients, edible and active packaging and coatings to extend food shelf-life.